Sample Recording from Ashland Chamber Music Workshop
Tom Johnson, May 26, 2010
Hey Alan, it’s Tom Johnson calling at 11:20 on
Wednesday morning.
Hey, your CDs got here this morning.
Man your, your sound is awesome, awesome.
My socks are knocked off.
Of course the band is playing awesome, too. They’ve
really stepped up to the plate lately.
Perfect mic location, everything.
I couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much.
Glad you had a fun time doing that.
So, I will get a check off to you in the mail right away.
Know what, I have it right here, I’ll send it to your PO
Box, I’ll put that on my file unless you want me to send
it to another address.
There you go.
Thank you so much again.
I’m sure I’ll be talking to you very soon.
Rory Snyder
Reviews of Cowboy Junkies Live at Cascade Theater
Average Rating: 

Reviewer: Hit and Run – – January 1, 2009
Subject: Awesome!
Thank you so much for the recording. Me friend and I hit six of the Northern Cal shows including this one in 2008. Didn’t know at the time it would be the highlight of the year.
Thank you again – Great recording!
Reviewer: keith from ny – – December 28, 2008
Subject: wow!!
Outstanding show, and one of the best recordings of Cowboy Junkies I’ve ever heard! (and I’ve heard a few) Many thanks for sharing this!
Reviewer: katmikemcbird – – December 28, 2008
Subject: No Junk Here
wow…!! so i get to re-live this show over and over!! how excited am i? very! because my husband and i traveled from michigan for this show due to it falling near our 1st anniversary. listening to this concert i can see the painted ceiling of the theater, i can see the whole band syncing! They played some of my all time favorites(driving wheel, anniversary song) and faves off end of paths taken(basquiat was a delightful take, cutting board was a toned down acoustic, kicked the show off with mountain)! We’ve been waiting for a recording of the show to surface and are so glad it finally did. Thank you
Reviews of John Butler Trio Live at The Fillmore
Average Rating: 

Reviewer: JBTrioFan – – July 12, 2007
Subject: Great Taping Great Show
This was my 5th JBT show this year and was my favorite this year. A good setlist, good crowd, and great energy from the band. One of the most beautiful versions of Peaches w/Kaki King I have heard. A very good taping. Thanks so much!
Reviewer: msdree – – July 5, 2007
Subject: Great Show
I had such a great time at this show Thanks for capturing it so well.
Lots of Ideas Perculating About Digital Arts
Note recent articles about the demise of the CD. Means getting up to speed on digital downloads.
Note article on new google file format for images that will be about 40% smaller than jpeg with no apparent loss in quality. (see bhphotovideo student catalog).
Derek has some great quotes, worthy of a book review and quotations.
Balancing Life
My only real worries in life are balancing life as a musician and digital artist with a myriad of other interests, which include biking, hiking, cooking, spending time with Tap (the dog), etc.
Thanks, Facebook.
An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama’s plan”. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A…. (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all).
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little..
The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. It could not be any simpler than that.
Remember, there IS a test coming up. The 2012 elections.
These are possibly the 5 best sentences you’ll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Ted and Tap at the Office in Wyoming
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In in lacus orci. Aenean mi nulla, placerat et suscipit ut, gravida quis metus. Praesent ut nisi urna. Vivamus varius arcu quis arcu adipiscing et molestie augue blandit. Duis nisi lacus, iaculis in ultricies sit amet, accumsan eget arcu. Curabitur sapien risus, vehicula quis venenatis lacinia, semper eu quam. In euismod justo eu tortor viverra nec dictum tellus mollis. Nullam venenatis vehicula nisi nec convallis. Nam nulla orci, viverra nec varius ut, ultrices ut augue. Aenean scelerisque nunc ac eros dapibus placerat id sit amet lorem. Nullam ac lacus magna. Phasellus volutpat lacus eu tortor mollis pharetra. Aenean imperdiet est vitae leo fringilla ut mattis diam vehicula. Fusce eu nulla sit amet tortor vestibulum convallis.
In quis augue nec nibh hendrerit fringilla nec vitae metus. Nam nisi metus, semper vel sodales at, ornare in nibh. Nulla sollicitudin, lectus sit amet posuere interdum, tortor dolor blandit justo, aliquam ultrices diam nisi eget purus. Maecenas rhoncus dolor sit amet ipsum gravida quis malesuada sapien faucibus. Sed nec nulla massa, ut tincidunt velit. Pellentesque libero velit, varius eu sagittis vel, iaculis nec lacus. Aliquam gravida sagittis urna ut rhoncus. Duis eget magna eget felis semper tincidunt. Ut tortor enim, imperdiet non viverra nec, condimentum at nisl.
I finally got the bills for my CPA practice printed and ready to mail.
FINALLY!!!!! What a relief. Not sure why I have been dreading that so much. Maybe because it is just more computer time.
Although I sure enjoyed getting Ted’s personal site up and running. Just a few more wrinkles to iron out, but I’m pretty pleased.
Guess I’ll go walk the dog and mail the invoices. Tap can never get enough people time – he is such a good dog.