
Birthday party tonight at Mark’s for Mark. This version will be a single malt scotch edition, trying his Johnnie Walker Blue Label.

Seems like I don’t get anything done during the day. So I thought I would jot some thoughts. What did I do yesterday?

Bring up all the trash cans. Get a haircut. Finish deploying new wireless telephones. Put away extra cables. Organize and put away Susan’s suitcases. Unload the dishwasher. Take the F150 down – Dante kindly fixed the tailgate. Power clean the dog hair and other accumulations out of the F150. Take the dog in the truck while the gardener was working (the gardener and dog don’t get along splendidly). Use the trek to recycle light fluorescent light bulbs. Pick up a book at the library. Research and work on the presentation problems for Ted’s website caused by internet explorer (finally fixed most of the troubles with the max-width command). Walk the dog twice, once as a frisbee toss – ran into Dan Drew. Second time let dog run around Foothill fields. Unload the dishwasher. Cook dinner. Load up dishwasher. Organize all old phones for recycling. Research digital cameras on the web. Do a little facebooking.



  1. what the f-edit?

  2. really what the f-edit?

  3. yeah, what the f-edit.

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